Common Position Names and Movements with example
under review
It would be really good if there was a dictionary / reference for what different people called particular dance positions. ie. Common names for types of movement.
eg. In 30s Partner Charleston - Shadow Charleston, Tandem, Corridor, Side by Side etc, Chase Entry to Tandem,
eg. In Lindy Hop - Closed, Open, Closed offset, etc Swing out, Texas Tommy, Popturn etc
eg. In Balboa - Balboa, Swing (if that's how others categorise it), and for movements - Comearound / Breakturn, Throwout, Pop turn, Apache
And so on. Secpfically in relation to charleston, though, I've been looking for a reference list of position names, and I'm having some trouble tracking it down and I'm having trouble tracking one down.
Thank you
under review
Thank you for your answer, which clarified things. We apologize for the misunderstanding when we discussed Charleston; it was related to the names of specific moves in Balboa and Lindy, such as for the video number 225 in balboa called 'Swivels follower styling - Charleston leg swings with downhold.'
We now also understand your feedback regarding creating a dictionary or reference with tags that link to specific dance positions and it's a good idea! For now, each video title contains the name of the move and there is a short description section under each video, for example, still for the video number 225 in balboa:
Description: Swivels - Extend leg through on count 1 of the swivel, release/swing leg circle on count 2, cross through with a downhold on count 3, repeat on other side.
The mission and purpose of dancelib is to inspire dancers. We don't provide classes, programs, or detailed step-by-step video instructions. Instead, our library of dance videos and management tools are designed to inspire rather than explain every detail. We appreciate your position and aren't opposed to proposing and developing this idea of a dictionary in the future. Thank you again for your valuable feedback! Warm regards
We appreciate your valuable feedback and suggestions regarding our platform. There are certain aspects that we did not fully comprehend from your message.
If you're suggesting the inclusion of Charleston partners dance as a specific category, please note that we have not introduced Charleston as a distinct dance style on our platform yet. However, we are considering adding it in the future.
We acknowledge that various Charleston moves are integrated into Balboa and Lindy Hop. Therefore, you can locate them within these categories using our specialized tagging and search system. For instance, you can find Tandem Charleston under Lindy Hop. These can be accessed either by typing directly into the search bar or by selecting the relevant tags under references, dance tags, and advanced filters. This allows you to find specific common names and types of movements that we've listed and proposed. By choosing a reference, you can refine your search results and find exactly what you're looking for.
I trust this clarifies our process. Please feel free to provide more details about your thoughts and what you'd like to see to enhance your experience.
Thank you once again. I look forward to your response.
Part 1 of 2 due to character limits
1) Could you please provide explanation for why you think there are Charleston moves in Balboa and Swing (as the open form of the dance also looped in with the dance Balboa)? I don't understand your comment and this view is contrary to information I have received from other places. I would like to understand your position, and where this understanding came from - please provide more details.
2) I think the in inclusion of Charleston as a specific category is a great idea, although, to be clear, it was not my request.
3) As to my request: I refer you to my opening sentence: "It would be really good if there was a dictionary / reference for what different people called particular dance positions."
To clarify, I identified what that might look like in the context of various swing dance styles, and in the end, I explained why, that it's unclear what specific positions or movement patterns may be called within a specific dance style. I think maybe the "dance position" terminology may have derailed my request.
See Part 2 below
Part 2 split due to character limits
Think dictionary and a link to a references with that tag.
Eg. Someone described a swing out in a book. I go to DanceLib and I say what is a a swing out. And there might be a definition, or a clarity on the style of dances that the movement happens, and a link to what the moment looks like, and even, who referred to it as that name (in the context of historical dance styles, and where people called them different things).
Eg. Come around, Breakturn (and I'm sure there are several other terms for this movement) (and not to be confused with a break away), and if you use the term break away - the library may need to clarify that a breakaway may to different things in different situations (think break away charleston, and a breakaway being a transition point from partner to solo dancing).
I have reviewed the "body position" tags in your system, but it isn't the same as what I'm asking for. I think maybe the "dance position" terminology may have derailed my request. Think more about movement pattern or movement zones rather than body position.
Let me try to give further examples: Within Charleston, there are particular names for types of movement orientations, eg the difference between Side By Side Charleston, Tandem Charleston, Airplane Charleston, Shadow Charleston, Front to Front Airplane Charleston, Kickaways, Kickups, the specific "fluff the towel break" (which I'm not even sure specific name of this movement is traditionally) There are all specific sort of "zones" within Charleston, and there is movement.
Within Lindyhop there are some well known movements that also could be tagged, such as movements like Mini Dip, Points, Sailor Kicks and so forth.
See Part 3 due to character limits
Part 3 due to character limits
In some cases there are movements that I have learned but I don't know the names for. I recently discovered something I thought was called something else, is referred to as Front to Front Airplane Charleston by Laura Glaess. I'm think a tool that helps people identifies names of movement patterns or shapes could be helpful, and if you have the name, and then can see links to the different versions of it, it helps you to see how different dance couples approach movements in a different way
I'm resending this over, because it seems to me you have not understood the feature request. Hopefully this message helps you to understand and provides further clarity to my request.
And, I look forward to your reply on why think or understand there are charleston movements in Swing (and I use the term Swing to refer to the open form of Balboa), and where this understanding came from.
Thank you